søndag 28. september 2008

I'm in Oslo for a reason.

On most weekdays, I spend my days in libraries writing and researching my thesis.

This is the Deichmanske Bibliotek - Oslo public library.

This is the view from the library of Norges Handelhøyskole. It is in a new building in the neighbourhood of Nydalen. It is a maze of pedways, stairs, and escalators that go up four floors at a time.

Around Oslo, Part I

The interior of the Norwegian Parliament. They sit according the geographic location, not parties.

The National Theatre

A picture of a canal in Aker Brygge.

Vigelandsparken - Fountain with Monolith in background

Norske Operaen og Ballet - Interior

(For the of the Opera house exterior, visit this site http://www.avis2.no/pix/pic/2008/580_folkeopera3.jpg)

Norske Operaen og Ballet - Interior


One train stop after my stop (Kringsjå) is Sognsvann. It is a popular lake to walk around and swim in during the summer months.