torsdag 20. september 2007

Bergen Brann

Tonight's game was between Bergen Brann and Brugge.. unfortunately Brugge won by a score of 1-0 but it was still a fun game! Here is a quick clip.. so you can get an idea of the surroundings.

torsdag 13. september 2007

Bergen pt. 2

Hello Everyone!

I took some more random pictures of Bergen today - the first picture is of a typical downtown Bergen shopping mall (there are 4 or so like this one). The last picture may not be that exciting, but it is my department building where most of my classes are held.

I promise I'll start going more places soon so my pictures will be a bit more diverse!!

lørdag 8. september 2007


Bergen is surround by "De Syv Fjellene" - The Seven Mountains. Today, Laura and I climbed the highest of them, Ulriken. The weather was for the most part miserable (making the paths muddy, wet and slippery), but it was a great hike! The vegetation was very lush but none at the top (at which point we were in a cloud). Here are some pictures..